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American Idol: Handicapping The Final Three

No matter what happens, Wednesday will be a stunner.

This year's American Idol are the best final three in the history of the show, and no matter which of the three is voted off Wednesday night, it'll be a shocker. Adam, Kris, and Danny could all legitimately be the next American Idol. Right now, it's all in the voters' hands.

Adam would have to be thought of as the frontrunner. He's had a string of highlight moments, an incredible range, and a showman's streak that makes every performance something people will be talking about later. He's already a rock star in many ways, and he's on the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week.
The Knock: He's on the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week. That cover and story could easily cause a backlash against him as the anointed one. With Idol's audience, being basically outed in EW may not help, either. "Cryin'" was a strange choice for a final song, a bit pedestrian for a guy who's made so many great choices. Also, his look and performance is still unconventional. A lot of people tune into the finals who don't watch the show all year, so they might not appreciate him as much.

Kris has really made a run in the last few weeks to go from a mid-level idol to a guy who could legitimately win it all. His acoustic version of "Heartless" was the perfect performance at the right time to land him in the final two. He's a safe choice that appeals to a wide audience.
The Knock: Being safe might make him too generic. Kris didn't have a signature moment on the show until this week, he's just been good enough to keep going every week. He doesn't have a great story, in fact, his background as a church leader has been pretty much ignored.

Danny is the idol who seems the most aware of himself. He's got a heartwarming story, and a background singing for his church. He knows exactly what his range is, and how to get the most impact out of it. Almost every song he's picked has been perfect for him. He's never been in the bottom three.
The Knock: The only time Danny stepped out of his comfort zone, he sounded awful on "Dream On." Danny doesn't really have a rock star voice, and that really showed late in the competition.

My Choice: I'm going to go out on a limb and say Danny gets voted off.

blogified by Reid @ 5/12/2009 10:01:00 PM 


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