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Texting While Trolley Driving...What Could Go Wrong?

Trolley drivers in Boston are now prohibited from carrying cell phones after one particularly unfortunate multi-tasker ran a red light and hit another trolley, injuring forty-nine.

And this isn't an isolated incident, here's footage from a rather spectacular bus crash in San Antonio. Major dumbassery afoot.

See, this is why we need laws. In a perfect world filled with marginally intelligent people, we could all afford to be libertarian. We wouldn't need any level of government to make rules to protect us, because we'd all think ahead.

But just generally speaking, we're too frickin' stupid to do that.

You shouldn't have to tell people not to text while they're driving, especially...

a) in heavy traffic,
b) when you're transporting the handicapped, or
c) if you happen to be driving a two-ton trolley.

Besides, what the Hell could a bus driver possibly have to text somebody about that's so urgent it can't wait for the next stop?

My God, if they don't know they shouldn't text while driving a bus or trolley, what else don't these people know? Will we see security cam footage of some tractor-trailer driver juggling all the way into a twelve-car pileup? Do we need to make laws about not flossing while driving?
How about "No trimming your toenails while the trolley is in motion?"

"Drivers should not attempt to decipher an M. Night Shyamalan movie while in crosstown traffic."

blogified by Reid @ 5/11/2009 12:01:00 AM 


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