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Home Despot

As I wrote last week, I am in the process of trying to buy a house. However, I was under the impression the market was down, and sellers would be bending over backwards to get us to purchase their houses.

All you hear from the news is how bad the market is, and that people are running screaming from their houses and tossing their keys to anybody with fifty bucks and cabfare, and how there haven't been this many houses for sale since the day after the final plague in Egypt.

Yeah, that appears to be a load of hooey. The houses I'm seeing are either accompanied by an astonishing amount of pride in the price tag, or a frightening amount of lack of attention to detail, cleanliness, and hygiene. It's like some of these houses have been maintained by color-blind trolls.

Again, here's some tips.

If your room is painted in non-traditional colors like, say, green and purple, you might want to run a coat of off white across it before you open the doors to strangers. If not, you might think about including in the disclosure that one room is painted like a clown, or perhaps a cartoon duck.

A pool should be a selling point for a house. However, whoever is responsible for the house (owner/realtor/bank/squatter/whatever) should on occasion, drop by and pour a couple of chemicals into the water. Otherwise, it very quickly turns into something that looks like it should be home to reptilian humanoid creatures, hungering for human flesh.

I know you want to show off your furniture, but pay attention to how you arrange them. I look at this picture of the gas range set up on the bar right next to the purple chair, and all I can imagine is Uncle Leo's hairpiece catching fire in Christmas Vacation.

If there's something big with the house that will probably be noticed eventually, such as, say, a big freakin' tarp covering a hole in the roof, it's best to mention that up front. A little advance notice will keep me from abandoning hope and sprinting out of your backyard.

Bear in mind your choice of decor will influence opinions. What your child may think of as a canopy might lead a prospective buyer to forever associate that room with mosquito netting.

blogified by Reid @ 4/09/2008 12:42:00 AM 


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