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Help Wanted: NaNoWriMo Now

As some of you know, November is National Novel Writing Month. I'm going to once again give it a try, and attempt to write 50,000 words in the month. Last year, I wrote an entire 112 words before giving up. This year, I'm going to try and cover at least 200 words. I'd like some help for you guys, I've got four ideas for this year's novel, take a look and vote on which one you'd like to see. You guys know my writing style, whatever I write will have my kind of humor. Vote for one of these theoretical novels, and I'll post whatever I write, which will hopefully be something closer to a novel and not a post-it note.

"The Final 48, or The Five People I'm Going To Meet In Hell" Jimmy Nova knows where he's going. He'll be paroled tomorrow, and then he'll be dead. The accidental murder of a mob boss's son in prison has made sure of that, but he's got a secret stash worth millions he's going to try and use to buy 48 hours of freedom. All he needs is two days to make his family safe, and settle every score he's ever accumulated in his life.

A black comedy with a body count and a time limit.

"A Shade Against The Darkness" Los Angeles is a city with a dark side, and in-between the city of angels and the nightmares we pretend go away when we wake up, walks Detective John Shade. With friends like the modern day Frankenstein and a Norse God of War, Shade handles the side of the city the LAPD officially denies exists. Now, a simple missing persons case leads Shade to uncover a plot to use the legends of horror to unleash literal Hell on Earth.

"Do you know why God wins the final battle with Satan, Shade? Because it's his book. In our book, we kick his ass."

"Time And Tape" It's not a bad life for Nathan Crier. It's just not a good life, not the one he wanted. Wasted potential haunts him, and memories of bad decisions and lost love still make him wish his life had turned out differently. While reliving his past glory listening to old tapes from the 80's, Nathan finds himself transported back to the biggest moments of his life, and his biggest regrets. But he only has until the end of the album to fix things, and after that he has to come back and deal with the changes he's made in his life. Can he fix what he's always thought he screwed up, or will that just make it worse?

Think "Butterfly Effect" with better music, less Kutcher, and more of the funny.

"Lives Of Quiet Desperation" Little stories, woven together, just like life. A proposal. A murder. A wedding, and a suicide. A new career, a resignation, a first day and a last chance. No man is an island, and whether we understand it or not, we directly affect each other every day. One moment blurs into the next like a human
mosaic, dozens of short stories told against the larger picture.

It's a Robert Altman movie, but funnier, and without being so damn long.

story would you like to see Reid try
for NaNoWriMo?

The Final 48, or The Five People I'm Going To Meet In Hell

A Shade Against The Darkness

Lives Of Quiet Desperation

Time and Tape

blogified by Reid @ 10/31/2006 11:59:00 PM 


Blogger Jody said...

Man, the one I picked isn't winning. That's so not cool. I'm going to vote from work tomorrow to increase my odds of getting to read the novel I want. And I won't tell you which one it is. Or maybe I'll tell you the wrong one, so you'll disqualify it!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Reid said...

Actually, I think I set it up to where you could vote as much as you want. I ain't proud.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Stevarino said...

I'm doing NaNoWriMo too, which is nuts because I followed your link from Comics Curmudgeon without knowing who you were. My novel is just a collection of absurd bullshit with an imaginary plot. If you want we can correspond by leaving comments on one another's blogs. My NaNoWriMo forum screen name is steveoh76. This is my first time doing it.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

And Reid, what's your name on the Nano site?

7:51 AM  
Blogger Stephanie T. said...

I picked "Time and Tape" (and yay! it's winning!) but either of the last two choices sound intriquing to me. Good luck!

1:25 PM  
Blogger Reid said...

I am "redronin" on NaNoWriMo.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Beeeej said...

It was a tough call for me between "Final 48" and "Time and Tape," but because "Time and Tape" has been done before (see "Replay," "Glimpses," as you said "Butterfly Effect," et al.), I went with the other.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'd like to see either Time and Tape or Final 48!! But really Reid...are you spreading yourself thin or what???

10:49 PM  

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