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Desperate Housewives: Season 3 Opener

The recap reminds us of certain things from last season we'll need to know. Note that Alfre Woodard's family and aborted major plotline does not appear.

Man, Kyle MacLachlan being in a show just ratchets up the creepy level by a factor of a thousand. If his parrot is to be believed, he killed his previous wife. And the bird.

We get the rundown again, with everybody's highlights from last season brought up to date. Nicollete Sheridan's Edie is out in the rain, in spite of the fact that she doesn't look like she should be hanging out in the rain. No telling what water would do to that space-age polymer that Sheridan's made of.

Lynette and Tom begin their struggles with the baby momma. This plotline is a bit obvious, hopefully they'll swerve us with it.

Gaby threatens Xiao-Mei with deporting her after the baby is born. Judging from the small amount of information I have about Mother's rights, I don't think that's a good idea.

Mike is now in a coma, and Susan is shaving his face, leaving cuts and nicks everywhere. I'd think a hospital that's had to treat her for several dangerous clumsiness-related injuries would want to keep the sharp objects away from her.

And finishing the round-up, Bree agrees to marry Orson. Let's see, in just over two years, she's chosen as her romantic partners a guy who paid a prostitute to beat him, a psychopathic murdering momma's boy pharmacist, a guy who screwed her son, and a crazy prison dentist. That's not exactly a list submitted for Emmy consideration.

Susan gets hit on by a British guy in the hospital with his wife in a coma. Then, she spills a Smoothie on his nearly-dead wife. Nice to see they're evolving her character.

Lynette's party spills over into the street as Edie is showing a house. Her clients say they're looking for somewhere "quiet." Not to make too much of this, but somewhere around a dozen people have died on that street in two years. Yard men, hit men, housewives, pharmacists, everybody dies on Wysteria Lane. Might want to go somewhere else for your retirement years.

Babymomma gets crazy at missing a party. Tom smoothes it over by ticking off Lynette. This has the possibility of getting really tedious if it lasts much longer. Like another week.

Xiao-Mei has flown the coop, and Gaby has to get her back. Edie is going to have trouble selling that house. And if she's finally selling Paul's house, does that mean the Mary Alice plotline is finally over? And if so, why does she still narrate the show?

Susan is asking a coma-patient-Mike if she could go out with somebody else while he's unconscious. Strangely enough, he doesn't answer.

Bree is heavily turned on by hygiene, which leads to her getting an orgasm for the first time. Is that the thing that finally changes something about her character, which hasn't really moved since her first appearance? At her dinner party, Roseanne's sister shows up to play the role of Gladys Kravitz. She gives the warning that nobody will listen to until it's too late. Nosey neighbors on this show are too common to stand out.

And we close on yet another dead body being dug up somewhere. In season one, it was in a lake. In season two, it was the guy in the basement. Now, it's in a golf course. There's your official sense of foreboding for the rest of the year.

blogified by Reid @ 9/24/2006 10:28:00 PM 


Blogger Stephanie T. said...

I was so hoping this season of DH would be a good one, but judging from last night's episode, I'm not holding my breath. During the first season it was a "must see" show for me, but lately it's been reduced to "must see if nothing else is on and I need something to fold laundry to."

9:03 AM  
Blogger Gramma said...

Had the feeling all this has been done before. Sure hope something happens soon to add at least a tad of freshness. If not, I may look for the Woodards. Since they're no longer on Wisteria Lane, things have to be more interesting for them!

10:14 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

Not to mention that I counted at least four uses of the phrase "I know it's been six months..." or some derivative. OK. We get it. Six months.

Susan's character gets more annoying to me each season. "Oh look! I'm clumsy but lovable! I'm madcap! I spilled a smoothie! I'm Lucille Ball!"

11:29 AM  
Blogger MyHeroZero said...

Was anyone else having flashbacks of "Sleeping with the Enemy" when Mrs. Creepy Dentist was organizing her can food?

I couldn't agree more about Susan becoming increasingly more annoying. Could someone please explain her appeal? (Okay, something OTHER than her boobs.) Dougray Scott is WAY too hot for her. Oh, and he's Scottish, Reid. Mmmmmm love that accent.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

IT was a pretty predicatable epi, but it was also pretty fun. I too was like, Gaby, why are you threatening this lady? What's to stop her from running off and...oh wait, never mind. My favorite part of the episode, however, was when Tom finally stood up to Crazy Babymomma. That was sweet.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Reid said...

Steph, it's falling on my list of things to watch, but is still must see for me just because nothing else has taken its place.

It does seem a bit rehashed, Gramma. That's why I'm hoping it's just a swerve for us, something too obvious that has to be a red herring.

And Jill, it seemed like they were trying to stress that it's been six months, so enough time has passed that they will never have to mention Alfre Woodard's family again. Or Paul. Or his kid. Or any of the other angling plotlines they haven't picked back up yet.

MHZ, that's exactly what i was thinking. No better way to show that somebody is insane than by showing us their pantry. And My GOD, but they eat a lot of vegetables for just the two of them, don't they?

I'm hoping the early stand by Tom against Babymomma signifies a turn in that angle, Christine. It's a bit tired to have to wait a whole year to resolve that one.

5:17 PM  

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