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Weather Or Not

The founder of the Weather Channel has come out and said he considers global warming the "greatest scam in history."

Whoa. This should clearly show us what the endorsement of someone who's wrong 50% of the time is worth, shouldn't it?

Of course, what do the weathermen think about it? Whenever I'm confused about an issue, I always consider what people who are wrong most of the time have to say. While we're at it, how do the televangelists who swore the world would end on January 1, 2000 feel? What's the guy who came up with that "Anchorwoman" TV show think?

Let's examine the Weather Channel for a moment. These are people whose favorite thing in the world is to tell us how dangerous the conditions are somewhere and we should evacuate. Then they drive into those areas, park their cars, and do live reports from the hurricane.

Nobody ever keeps a weatherman's batting average, do they? As a science, it's not exactly simple math.

Anyway, there are things going on with our environment that are very troubling. Personally, the fact that half of California seems to catch fire every year is a bit of a head-scratcher to me. There's things going on that we can't explain, and global warming is one theory at this point.

This shouldn't be a political issue, why attack the messenger? Coleman's statement was peppered with words and phrases like "dastardly scientists," "environmental whacko," "extremists," "liberal," "radical agenda." No judging there. Nah, he's not taking sides on this one at all.

My main problem with people who want to deny global warming is the damage they do to our national psyche by rejecting not only the cause, but also the entire message. Is global warming real? I'm not completely sure, but I know that we produce an astonishing amount of waste as a culture and we need to do something about it.

If entertaining the notion that we need to do something will help make things a little bit better, then why not? If you disagree with global warming, why do you also need to come down on people who support environmental causes? NBC is spending all week addressing the environment, and people are ripping them left and right.

If you can go to Wal-Mart and buy a lightbulb you don't have to replace every six weeks, why not do it? Why bring Al Gore into it at all?

Personally, if the threat of the polar icecaps melting leads redneck Joe Public to recycle his trash, get a hybrid car, and stop pouring his used motor oil down his bathtub, I'm all for it.

(NaBloPoMo Day #8/30)

blogified by Reid @ 11/08/2007 05:45:00 PM 


Blogger Penelope said...

I told Karen what Sheryl Crow suggested about the one sheet of toilet paper per trip to the facilities. She explained to me most articulately exactly what I could do with that suggestion.


I asked Karen what she thought about global warming. She thinks there's a little crazy on the left and a little crazy on the right.

Is this a possibility???

-- P

7:13 PM  
Blogger Terrie Farley Moran said...

Great post, Reid.

You have hit all of the important points when you say:

" I know that we produce an astonishing amount of waste as a culture and we need to do something about it. "

As a grandmother of five wee ones, I'd like them to have a planet that thye can live on safely when they are grandma's age.


12:14 PM  
Anonymous januarys said...

That's an unfounded indictment of redneck Joe Public. You can't pour motor oil down your tub - that's where you cook your stew.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Reid said...

Absolutely, Penelope. Always beware of someone who says they're telling you the truth.

Terrie, you're right, we have responsibility whether the planet is getting hotter or not.

And Januarys, you can also use that tub to whip up some killer Everclear punch if you don't have a trashcan available.

12:02 AM  

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